About me

Thanks for visiting me here! 

Maybe no-one else is as nosey as me, but often I like to know a little more about people whose blogs I visit -Where in the world do they live? What do they like to do apart from Quilting? Etc...So... 

I'm Camilla and I'm a New Zealander (with UK heritage) once again living in the deep south of NZ after an extended sojourn in Australia.  I'm married with 1 teenager left at school and 2 University age kids, in varying stages of independence. My real life job is as a counsellor. To relax apart from sewing and blogging, (which I'm not completely regular about), I like to keep fit walking and running.

I'm inspired by the beauty of the natural world 

Overlooking Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges, South Australia

wherever in the world it is.

Whatever the weather (almost) I'm quite partial to a camping or outdoorsy holiday away from the crowds

Winter Camping (with fly protection) in Flinders Ranges South Australia

Memory Cove, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia

Routeburn Caples Track Fiordland, NZ

 and hope to travel some more over the next few years. You can read more about some travels we were lucky to have in Cambodia recently in some earlier posts

I studied English Lit years ago so I always enjoy having a good book on the go.  Good food, wine and time with friends and family are always great ways to relax too.

The main reason I blog is to prompt myself to be more creative. You can read more about how this blog came about here

Do let me know you've visited by leaving a comment, I always try to reply.


  1. Thanks for sharing this page, Camilla. I am in awe of the photography! God sure created world filled with beauty.

    I feel the same way about crowds. It is relaxing and peaceful to spend some downtime with nature.

  2. You've captured some beautiful images with your camera Camilla.........it feels like I'm almost there with you.

  3. Nice to meet you! You take lovely photos and I couldn't agree more, that its nice to know something about a blogger. I look forward to exploring your blog a bit more, since I always start with the about page ;)

  4. Nice to meet you! I couldn't agree more, that its nice to knwo something about the person behind a blog. I look forward to exploring your blog a little more, since I always start with the about page ;)

  5. Somewhat envious - and have admiration for - that which you are enjoying in your life; family-wise, creatively, and professionally!! Lots of energy and direction! Your blog looks fantastic!!

  6. Going to follow your blog, you have some beautiful quilts here, interesting travel too.

  7. Hi Camilla, I came across your blog while reading Janine's Rainbow Hare blog. Your photos are wonderful!


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